Sex is an important part of any close, intimate relationship. Yet all too often we have grown up with misinformation and shaming messages about sex and sexuality. This can lead to feelings of intense anger, anxiety, guilt, and embarrassment about our sexuality. Sexual difficulties in a relationship can exist on their own or stem from conflicts between partners. In either case, it is critical to be able to communicate your feelings and desires to your partner in an environment that is open, relaxed, non-judgmental and sex-positive.

Using psychodynamic talk therapy, education, homework assignments, mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioral techniques, I work with you to explore your feelings and develop the self-confidence and communication skills to create a more pleasurable sexual relationship with your partner/s. This may be done with your partner/s and/or individually, depending on the issues presented and the interventions that are deemed appropriate at the time.

I work with those who are LGBQA+, intersex, transgender, monogamous and nonmonogamous, and kinky.

Potential Topics

Potential Benefits

A Note About Touch and Sex Therapy – While intimate subject matter will be explored, professional therapy never includes any nudity, touch, or sexual contact.  All interventions are exclusively talk-based.